I wrote previously about using Docs for collaborative study guides, and this year with midterms coming up, I’m going to try something new to help my students prepare for exams. I’ll begin with all the terms we have studied and have students fill it out much like I have previously. I will require students to put their initials next to terms that they look up to see who has put forth the best effort. I’m willing to add a grade to my grade book (maybe class participation) where those students who synthesized and guided other students best will receive points. That means adding pictures, links and videos where it helps, and making comments on other students answers when they are less than adequate.
Then, to get students to prepare in advance, I’m going to host google hangouts where students can view the doc and ask questions. I’ll also be willing to take away terms from time to time to assure that students continue to check back to the doc night to night to prepare.
I hope this produces a better skill building for students, a better study guide, and higher scores. I’m sure it will be better than what my classes did last year.