
Why I Hate School but Love Education

This viral video is a must-watch for educators and students around the country. This college graduate is reconsidering what he learned in school. As the title suggests, he’s all for education, but not necessarily the current system if school. He calls school a “distant cousin” of education—surely a thought provoking comparison. I wrote previously about using the EPIC 2020 video in class and this proved to be an excellent follow-up discussion.
Obviously the video is biased and only portrays one side of he school vs. education argument, but it is something about which students truly enjoy critically thinking. My US History class (11th grade) was forced to reconsider their approach to learning and school. I used this video to preach the value of pursuing one’s passions and the ease at which students today can achieve this given the speed at which information travels freely across the internet  I harked on previous lessons where I argued about the importance of being social AND scholarly on the web.

Some students were genuinely touched. Regardless, all were forced to reconsider what their parents have been telling them all their lives about going to school to get an education. Are they that strongly correlated? And, in the Information Age, are traditional schools still the best way to pursue an education?